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5 Reasons Why 96.55% Of Websites Get NO Traffic

Pie Graph showing 96.55% Of Websites Get NO traffic
Ahrefs Content Explorer Index

This statistic is SHOCKING. I honestly had no idea. Honestly, I almost gave up on my business for this exact reason. I felt discouraged I wasn't getting any organic traffic from Google. This does not happen overnight. The world of entrepreneurship and small

business requires SO MUCH patience, learning, failure (er, I mean experimenting) haha.

It requires believing in yourself and your vision and NEVER GIVING UP.

Ok, enough motivational crap. (I enjoy motivational crap, actually)

If you're in the 96.55% who gets no traffic to their website - read on.

Let's talk about 5 reasons why that is happening.

  • Created But Never Finished (or Inactive)

I'm guilty of this.

I get a great idea for a business, buy a domain, get crackin' on the design.

Only to get distracted by the next glittery idea I get a few months later. UGHHHHH.

You launch with excitement and intention but abandon it due to lack of focus, attention and time.


  • Monetizing Challenges

Personal story time. About 15 years ago I got really obsessed with Adsense. I wanted to make money from a blog.

I set up the site and plopped some Adsense ads on it. I think the most I made was $50 one month.

What was the problem? I put the cart before the horse. I tried to make money from advertising before I even had traffic. That just doesn't work.

Lesson learned.

By the way yes, I got discouraged when I felt I wasn't going to make the millions I thought I would through monetization. I gave up.

  • Low Quality Content

Good copy is pure Gold. Good copy is enjoyable to read, clean, well-structured & flows naturally.

Your content needs to make sense. Good writing will equate to more traffic (along with some other things we will discuss later).

Quality content means writing copy that resonates with your target audience.

Your content needs to be relevant, unique and tailored to your target audience.

Oh, and less is more. People don't even read anymore, they skim.

Bullet form works great.

  • Low Visibility (Crappy SEO)

It's not even a question whether you need to optimize your website for Google.


If you don't understand SEO, you need to hire someone who does. It's a non-negotiable if you want to grow your business.

This requires keyword research (what your target market is typing into Google) and then optimizing your website, Google Business Profile and social media accounts.

NO SEO = NO SALES. No visits. No Traffic. Believe me.

Most people go to Google and type in what they are looking for.

The top 3 search results is who they are going to click on.

If you are on page 100 for your keywords, you are getting no traffic.

  • Technical Issues

Slow loading times, too much noises on your website, links that don't go anywhere.

ALSO, poor mobile optimization can make or break your business.

People want things fast and efficient.

Ain't no body got time for slow load times.

Double check your website and Google Business Profile frequently to make sure links and contact info is working and up to date.


You can't just build a website and not promote it.

There are billions of websites and billions of businesses.

If you spend some marketing dough on paid ads and run them properly, you'll get traction.

You have to put money into marketing to grow your business. This isn't a new idea.

If you opened a store front you'd do advertising. Same with a website.

There are free promotion options too, partnerships, influencer marketing and social media organic posts, an email subscriber list is free to set up.

Honestly, I had a hard time attracting new business until I ran some paid ads.

It doesn't cost a lot either. There is advertising for any budget now.

Ok, there we have it. You don't have to be in the 96.55%. I've been there too.

Learn new things, try new things, delegate things to people who know more then you.

You're going to make mistakes, feel frustrated, probably have imposter syndrome (I do)

That's ok. Just never give up.

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