You're probably on social media.
A staggering 5 BILLION people in this precious little world of ours is active on at least one social media platform.
If you have a business on social media you are definitely going to want to take a few notes!
Keeping up with technology/social media trends is exhausting (it's like a second JOB) so allow me to provide a little list that will hopefully help you out a tad -
This list is not meant to be literal, trends change super fast and I don't think anyone could have predicted how quick the AI trend would infiltrate our digital lives.
But here we are. There is no turning back now.
The Hatching Of AI:
AI will be used in all sorts of time consuming menial tasks. I've personally used it for brainstorming blog topics, headlines and analytics. AI is really good at gathering data, but you can definitely tell the difference between an AI generated caption and one created from a human. Just try Chat GPT and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Chatbots, image creation and influencer identification will continue to grow and be used by businesses to streamline. Watch for businesses implementing AI Ethics Policies.
There are some things about AI that are really creepy, but it is here and it's not going away - so now is the time to learn to work with it.
Video Killed The Image Star:
We all know video content gets WAY more engagement (like ummm 12 times more engagment!) Video content is story-telling and we humans THRIVE on a good story.
Seriously, if you're running paid ads on social media you pretty much NEED to incorporate video marketing. It gets more action, more shares, and sticks around much longer than image or text marketing. Long form video on YouTue and TikTok is on an uptick as well.
Social Commerce:
Social Commerce is simply the process of buying and selling of products and services on social media platforms. If you've sold some of your stuff on Facebook Marketplace you've engaged in social commerce. It's huge and it will only continue to get massive.
If people like and trust you, they are more likely to buy from you. Influencers are still relevant (although they are going to have to get more vulnerable and open about themselves to really have an impact)
If you're really good with resonating with your target audience, you'll do awesome in this arena.
Authentic & Playful & Transparent Content:
Overly produced, scripted or cold (THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT) type stuff doesn't work well anymore. People are craving HUMANNESS. This also applies to the use of AI. AI can be helpful, but DO NOT Copy and paste using Chat GPT - people are onto this and the algorithms do not like it. Your humanness is needed. Gosh, ANY humanness is needed. sh
Know and be clear about your brands personality. Know what will resonate with your audience and be light. A little fun and sassy might work for some audiences, but may fall flat with others. Basically, have a little fun with your content and don't complete a post with "If you'd like a quote" or "If you're interested in purchasing" at the bottom. Your audience already knows whether they are going to buy from you, so avoid this redundancy. I think authenticity will SOAR in 2024. Stop trying to be salesy in every single post, you'll lose your audience.
Never Forget SEO:
SEO (Search Engine Optimization, if ya didn't know) is sooooo important and it will continue to be the most important thing when it comes to ranking and your audience finding you. Just like how you must optimize your website so you rank high in Google, your social channels also need to be optimized. Know your keywords. understand your analytics. This information is pure GOLD.
YouTube is one of the best platforms for social media SEO, Google results now include videos so naturally it is YouTube videos that will pop up in a search. Also, Google owns there is that. Google Search and YOUTUBE are the two most popular websites in the world. So yeah, get on YouTube if your business isn't on there already.
These are just 5 of MANY trends I think we might see in 2024. You just never know what picks up steam in popularity or starts Trending but one thing is for sure. Social Media ain't going anywhere.