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3 Reasons Why Contractors Should Engage in Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups

In the contractor world, most of your focus in on running your business and NOT on playing around on social media.

But most contractors want to grow their business and there are business growth opportunities BIG time through Faceook Groups.

Connecting with fellow contractors and industry minds can be a helpful for your business. Bonus is you can connect with other contractors ALL OVER THE WORLD. How cool is that?!

This is helpful for growth big time but at the end of the day this is NOT where your target market is hanging out. There are some groups that bring together contractors and customers, which is a perfect space to engage, give helpful tips and provide value for people. This might feel counterproductive but every time you help someone online with a problem you are growing your business online.

For the best use of Facebook Groups my clients have found great success with joining local and community groups. Where ever your service area is, is where you should go. Be active and contribute in these groups. EVERY TIME YOU POST within these groups make sure it is a professional, valuable and relevant.

In these groups it's a good idea to facilitate discussion (and it doesn't always have to be about your business, actually I discourage this) engage in the community you live in and service (these are your target customers!) and provide value.

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